Traffic Drop Assessment

Discover the Cause, Understand the Impact, and Recover Your Traffic.

Why Your Search Traffic Dropped?

E-commerce brands often face unexpected traffic drops. At first, everything seems great.

Your website is getting steady traffic, your products are visible, and sales are consistent. But then, things change.

You decide to revamp your website. The new design looks great, but you forget to redirect old URLs to the new ones.

Suddenly, customers can't find your brand, and search engines can't index your new pages. Traffic drops.

Or maybe you're too busy to keep up with the latest search engine (Google & Bing) updates. You continue using the same old keywords and ignore the new algorithm changes. Your competitors adapt, and their rankings improve while yours decline.

Then there are the technical issues. You add new features to improve the shopping experience, but these features slow down your site. Page load times increase, and visitors leave before making a purchase. Broken links frustrate users and search engines alike. Traffic drops again.

These common mistakes lead to significant traffic drops. But there's good news: you can recover. With a thorough traffic drop assessment, you can find out what happened, understand why it happened, and create a plan to get your traffic back on track.

Our service is here to help you avoid these pitfalls and restore your site's performance.

Organic Traffic Drop

Find Out What Happened

Get clear answers on why your traffic dropped.

Average Position

You noticed your site is starts ranking lower in search results, leading to fewer clicks and visits.

Organic Clicks

Now, fewer people are finding your site through search engines, reducing your potential sales.

Queries Losing Clicks

Some search terms aren't bringing in traffic like they used to, causing a drop in visitors and potential customers.

Increasing Position

Zero-Click Searches

Declining CTR

Keyword Cannibalization

Less Time Spent

People are leaving your site quickly, spending less time than before. This increase in bounce and exit rates can hurt your sales.

High Bounce Rate

Slow Load Speed

Irrelevant Content

Poor User Experience

Get Back on Track

We'll help you recover your lost traffic by identifying and fixing issues. Your site will start performing well again, bringing back your visitors.